Management Strategy Fact Sheets
This section provides descriptions of management strategies presented in Table 6-1 of HCB-1 (ITRC 2021) and Table 4-1 of HCB-2 evaluated for effectiveness, advantages, limitations, relative cost, and regulatory and policy considerations. Each fact sheet can stand alone and is intended to provide guidance and technical background to evaluate the use of a given management strategy in an HCB-affected water body.
A summary of cost information for selection of management strategies is included in Appendix C.2 of HCB-1 (ITRC 2021). The tables within each fact sheet detail relative cost ($, $$, $$$) per growing season to implement and maintain the strategy.
We necessarily limited this review to methods that are used in contemporary settings and have support from peer-reviewed literature. Some notable methods that were considered, but not reviewed in full, are included as Abridged Strategies in Section C.3. Methods that are considered outdated or have only a very narrow range of applicability, as well as those that have only anecdotal support or endorsement from commercial providers, are not addressed in this document.
Fact Sheets
This page includes the links for the ITRC HCB fact sheets. The fact sheets are available as web documents, but can be converted into PDF Files by clicking “Print this page/section” at the bottom of each page.
Artificial Circulation and Mechanical Mixers
Clay and Surfactant Flocculation
Hypolimnetic Oxygenation and Aeration
Hypolimnetic Withdrawal and Drawdown
ITRC. 2021. “Strategies for Preventing and Managing Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms (HCBs).” Washington, D. C.: Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council. Strategies for Preventing and Managing Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms Team.